Providing discovery and enterprise search services with the universal launcher for sites, documents, apps and actions. Running on the Epiarc, Epi improves performance and productivity for consumers, businesses and enterprise. Learn more about Epi, the team and follow our story in Launch, the blog chronicling our progress.

The archetypal name system and open distributed network providing consensus on names as identifiers.
Stewards the Epiarc, managing standards and setting the overall direction.
A leading capital markets CRM and investment research distribution. Built as a flexible revenue-driven Salesforce-based platform for sell-side firms, Singletrack maximises the return on their sales, research and corporate services.
2016 – 2018
Led product and design at Singletrack. Spearheaded the overhaul of the design and architecture of the core product, and created a pioneering investment research engagement product.
2014 – 2016
HTML(5), JavaScript, Node.js, Sass, CSS(3), Visualforce, Apex, SOQL, Ruby on Rails
Led the UI and UX efforts for Singletrack. Responsible for developing the platform in HTML(5), JavaScript, CSS(3), Visualforce, Apex and SOQL; and development of research portals, job processing, analytics, research distribution, research aggregation services and supporting developer services in Ruby on Rails.
2014 – 2015
Node.js, Postgres, HTML5, JS, AJAX, CSS
Lead Developer of social, responsive web application for collecting and verifying crowdsourced evidence following natural disasters, offering a more effective humanitarian response. Development is full-stack as part of a team in ECS at Southampton. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) intends to utilise Verily in next natural disaster deployment; interest received from government departments and media organisations internationally. Featured in MIT Technology Review.
Verily SourceFave Parts
2015 –
HTML5, Jekyll, CSS3, JS
Responsive web application to catalogue favourite sequences of media.
Fave Parts ajrg SourceURL Canon
2014 –
Licence: Apache License 2.0
Connect/Express middleware for canonicalisation of URLs with respect to HTTP vs HTTPS and the hostname such as www vs apex. Superfluous trailing slashes in the URL are also removed.
Installcomponent install alexgreenland/url-canon
2014 –
Movie collection manager.
2014 –
In development.
2014 –
In development.
2012 – 2013
Node.js, Redis, Git
Software library that web developers can utilise to push webpage markup updates to users in realtime with version control in Git and delta computation of HTML markup.
Developed IFestival website for Surrey Students' Union in a team from University of Surrey Computing Society (CompSoc). We developed a website for an event recognising diversity in lifestyle, culture and food.
MSc Web Technology
2013 – 2014
ECS, University of Southampton
Developed an understanding of current and emerging technologies that support web-based software systems. An intensive high-level course which covered the current and emerging technologies used to support web-based software systems. Studied web service markup languages including XML, XSL and RDF, and related topics of security, cryptography, interaction design and assistive technologies, taught by leading experts in these areas.
BSc Computer Science
2009 – 2013
University of Surrey
Gained an understanding of the principles and concepts underpinning computing systems, enabling analysis and resolution of issues with today's software systems and providing a foundation for designing the next generation of computational systems.
Richard Newitt Prize
Recipient of the Southampton postgraduate prize for the strongest capability of demonstrable effect in the field of web technology.
UK Government Department of Energy & Climate Change Prize
Awarded for the best student performance in the final year of the BSc Computer Science programme.
The Fivium Prize
Awarded for the best overall performance by a final year Computing student on the Enterprise Systems Development module of BSc Computer Science.
Dux (Valedictorian), BSc Computer Science
Highest-ranking student of BSc Computer Science at the University of Surrey.